Let’s Start Stitching Embroidery Class
Cost: $25 for a 2 hour class
Includes free embroidery kit
Learn the first 5 stitches of embroidery live on Zoom from the comfort of your own space! As a small group, we’ll practice the foundational techniques of embroidery. This class will allow you to start practicing immediately so you can embroider comfortably on your own. Learn a new skill that will bring joy and texture to your life.
“I felt the class was engaging and easy to follow along with. You answered all my questions and repeated certain stitches/knots (which I really appreciated) there wasn't a time I felt like I didn't understand or hesitant to stop when I couldn't keep up. You're very kind and I had so much fun. Would recommend!” -Anonymous student
“This was a wonderful introductory class. These five stitches seem so versatile, I can easily see myself able to create so much with them! …You’re a great teacher! Communication was clear and understandable, and I never felt stressed while I struggled with some things since you created a super chill environment to learn in. Can’t wait to learn more from you!” -Anonymous student